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CIOPORA Advocates for Broader Minimum Distances in Fruits at UPOV TWF 50

Budapest, June 24-25 – At the 50th UPOV TWF Session, the CIOPORA delegation consisting of CIOPORA Office and the CIOPORA Head Technical Experts on Apples, Strawberry and Grapes, advocated for stronger PBRs in fruit crops based on CIOPORA’s Position Paper on Minimum Distance. The meeting focused on the Technical Guidelines for apples, grapevines, strawberries, and cherries, with heated discussions evolving around addition and removal of certain characteristics.

CIOPORA delegates proposed diverse changes to the current guidelines in accordance with the CIOPORA Position Paper. They raised concerns about shrinking distances between varieties that entail negative commercial consequences and, thus, the weakening of Plant Breeders’ Rights. According to the CIOPORA Position Paper on Minimum Distance, a sufficient minimum distance between varieties is necessary to guarantee a strong and effective Plant Variety Right.

TWF welcomed participation of plant breeders facilitated by CIOPORA, whose position on Minimum Distance was clearly communicated by its delegation. While botanical approach to distinctness in varieties remains prevalent strategy within UPOV, CIOPORA members offered TWF their insights from the commercial perspective of PBR exploitation. It was an important opportunity for CIOPORA members to provide input directly and become a part of the dialogue.

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