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‘Influencing Change in a Digital World’ focus of AIPH World Ornamental Horticulture Summit

CIOPORA is delighted to be an event partner of the Second AIPH World Ornamental Horticulture Summit, which will addresses the theme ‘Influencing Change in a Digital World’.

Organized by the International Association of Horticultural Producers (AIPH), with the support of Gold Sponsor Royal FloraHolland, the 2022 Summit will bring together experts from inside and outside the industry to discuss: how new media and digital marketing can be utilised to drive sales; how social media can influence the supply chain; and how the industry can prepare for a new world of consumer power.

Included in the speaker line-up is Justin Hancock, Brand Marketing, Costa Farms, USA, who will give a presentation titled: ‘Connecting the dots between breeders, growers, retailers, and home gardeners.’ Digital media has shaken up the traditional communications line from breeder to grower to retailer to consumer. With consumers having more visibility and access to information throughout the industry supply chain, there are new opportunities to create and market offerings. This session will focus on how social media, influencer marketing, and websites are being used to grow the industry by connecting with the consumer and offering them an enjoyable and successful experience.

Additionally, the Summit will hear from social media influencer Darryl Cheng, creator of the popular blog and Instagram account ‘House Plant Journal’. Darryl’s commitment to excellence, his passion for plants and thirst for knowledge have turned him into one of the most trusted resources of the internet houseplant world. In his session, Darryl will discuss his journey into the world of horticulture, his unique approach to houseplant care and the role of social media in the growth of his brand.

Confirmed speakers and panelists include:

· Domingo Lucide, CEO of Brainpull digital agency, Italy

· Jan van Dam, CEO of Dutch Flower Group, the Netherlands

· Justin Hancock, Brand Marketing, Costa Farms, USA

· Darryl Cheng, Social Media Influencer, Canada

· Michael Perry (aka Mr Plant Geek), Social Media Influencer, UK

· Dr. Tosca Ferber, Research Director at Dümmen Orange, the Netherlands

· Valerio Perego, Head of Sales at Meta (Facebook) Italy

· Marco van der Sar, Chairman of the Flower Council, the Netherlands

· Steven van Schilfgaarde, CEO of Royal FloraHolland, the Netherlands

More information about the AIPH World Ornamental Horticulture Summit and to secure your place, visit


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